ISO 14001 & ISO 9001

ISO 14001

Artifort strives to minimize the impact on the environment. Negative effects on the environment, such as waste of raw materials or environmental incidents, must be limited as much as possible, so that the quality of our environment and our working environment for the benefit of the environment and employees are positively influenced. Two important starting points are central here: 

  • Comply with current laws and regulations and manage environmental risks.
  • Strive for a permanent improvement of the environmental performance of our company.

  • Reuse and recycling materials

    The maximum sorting of the various waste flows with a view to recycling and reuse of materials is an example of this. But also the reuse of residual materials, reupholstering furniture, working with certified wood, limiting CO2 emissions and offering a powder coat instead of chrome.

    Improve continuously

    An important aspect of the ISO 14001 management system is that there is a continuous and systematic effort to improve quality and the environment. An example of this is making production processes continuously more efficient through more efficient use of raw materials, auxiliary materials and energy.

    ISO 9001

    Artifort complies with the applicable laws and regulations. To achieve this, Artifort has had a management system for many years, in which quality and the environment are guaranteed. This system is integrated into the strategic objectives of the company and meets the requirements of the ISO 9001 quality management system. These requirements are tested annually through periodic audits and an annual check.

    Read more about sustainability within Artifort